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Deep Travel Morocco

The Art of Adventure -- Spring, 2019

Fez and Moulay Idriss, Morocco
March 31 to April 8, 2019

I'm absolutely delighted to announce I'll be teaching an eight-day writing workshop in late March/early April in one of my favorite places on earth, Morocco! When I visited last year, I was immediately enchanted--and I remain so. I'm thrilled to be able to return and do the work I love most: guiding writers in putting pen to paper to capture their impressions of a beautiful foreign place. Below is the workshop description--and more info (pricing, etc.) is available if you click the pdf. I hope you'll join me on this truly extraordinary journey!

Can writing about the world make it a better place? It can, insists Lavinia Spalding, author of Writing Away and series editor of The Best Women’s Travel Writing. For this immersive workshop, Lavinia helps us to explore how writing the stories of people and places can seed change—both in others and in ourselves. Our eight-day journey takes us inside the mesmerizing Fez Medina with its 9,000 byways and into Morocco’s holiest city, Moulay Idriss, in the Middle Atlas mountains. We’ll gather with Sufis, listen to the tales of traditional storytellers, connect with inspired artists, and dine with local friends who will invite us deeply into their culture. In daily sessions, we’ll articulate the places behind the headlines and the individuals behind the stereotypes. This trip is for anyone who wants to see inside the heart and soul of Morocco. Join us!

For inquiries and registration, contact